Bot commands

The bot reacts on keywords and commands.

Scenario info:

Using the public interface( ) you can drag and drop together a scenario:

Go to the /lab view and copy the link:

Paste the link into the #bot channel:

Note: you can use the slash command or just paste the copied link into the chat for the bot to display the information.

Create swaps

Swap one asset on HydraDx for another using Omnipool.

Slash command: /swap source_asset dest_asset amount

Create scenarios

Send an asset from one chain to another with an XCM asset transfer.

Slash command: /xcm-transfer source_chain dest_chain

User examples:

Send 20 of asset 1:
/xcm-transfer polkadot assethub 1 20

Request the most up to date Bagpipes project links from the bot.


> flipchan: whats the api documentation?
> BagpipesBot: 
Here is a link to the documentation for the API:


> user: What's the github link?  
> BagpipesBot: Github repo: 

Displays github repo link with a slash command.